Influence of psychological intervention on pain degree and blood pressure of patients accepting circumcision in out-patient department 心理干预对门诊包皮环切术病人疼痛程度及血压的影响
Analysis was conducted on the patients receiving canal root therapy and having complete record at out-patient department. 对门诊日志中记载连续完整的根管治疗术中约诊间痛的病例进行分析。
The betterment of service attitude is the precondition to provide high quality of nursing service in out-patient department. EXPERIENCE IN CARRYING THROUGH KNIGHT SERVICE TRAINING FOR PARAMEDIC IN CLINIC 完善服务态度是做好门诊护理服务的前提;对门诊护理人员进行优质服务培训的体会
The analysis of antibacterials utilization in our hospital, s out-patient department in the 2008 某院2008年门诊病人抗菌药物监测分析
Survey on the mental health status of young people visiting psychiatric out-patient department for the first time and psychological intervention 精神科门诊首诊青少年心理健康水平调查及心理干预
The Research on the Sustainable Design of Out-Patient Department Space in General Hospital 综合医院门诊部建筑空间可持续设计研究
Observation of the effect of integrated nursing intervention on 80 patients with dyslipidemia in out-patient department 综合护理干预对门诊血脂异常80例效果观察
A Study of Design of Out-patient Department of General Hospital in China; Water-saving Technology in the Comprehensive Building of School 我国综合性医院门诊部建筑设计研究节水技术在综合性学校建筑中的应用
Exploration and Strategy of Strengthening Emergency Response Capacity-building for Out-patient Department 加强医院门诊部应急能力建设的探讨与对策研究
Application of Motive Principle to nursing administration in the out-patient department 动力原理在门诊护理管理中的应用
The new constructed hospital is designed for One-stop Service, and One-stop Service is provided in the out-patient department, emergency department and the examination center. 新建成的医院从建筑设计上就考虑到一站式服务的要求,并在门诊、急诊、健康查体中心均实行了一站式服务。
Study and Analysis of the Prescriptions of Antibiotics of Senile Patients in Out-patient Department 我院门诊和老年患者抗生素处方的调查分析
Effect analysis of health education on diabetes in health care out-patient department 保健门诊糖尿病健康教育的实施效果分析
Application of Excel to Pharmacy Consultation in Hospital Out-patient Department Excel在医院门诊药物咨询中的应用
The Analysis of the Doctors 'Working Efficiency in Out-patient Department of a Certain Hospital 某医院门诊出诊医生工作效率分析
Design of queue system based on hospital information system for medical examination and laboratory diagnostic service in out-patient department 基于医院信息系统的门诊检查与检验排队系统的设计
Methods The study randomly selected 460 insured patients with hypertension and investigated their cost on each case in the out-patient department through 2002, based on the electronic system of medical insurance. 方法选取实施现场的某社区中460名参保高血压患者,通过医院的医保结算系统,逐次追踪调查了其2002年一年的门诊费用情况,并进行统计学分析。
A comparative analysis on children's and adults 'using of antibiotic in out-patient department 我院门诊儿童和成人抗生素使用情况对比分析
Application and effect of the information management system in out-patient department 门诊信息管理系统的应用及效果
Application of the Computer Network System for Managing Out-patient Department of Pharmacy 门诊药房网络管理系统的开发应用
The application of the art of nurse action in out-patient department of army hospital 护理行为艺术在军队门诊部的应用
OBJECTIVE: To offer pharmacy consultation to patients and hospital staff in out-patient department. 目的为医院门诊患者及医务人员提供药物信息服务。
Analysis of the antibiotic application in out-patient department 我院门诊抗菌药应用分析
The performance of out-patient service proeess determines the whole efficiency and accomplishment of out-patient department directly. 门诊业务流程直接决定着医院门诊的整体效率和业绩。
Inpatient samples had higher prevalence rate than that of out-patient department. 住院部的感染率高于门诊部的。
Out-patient department of hospital buildings is the most concentrated use of personnel, with the highest using frequency. 门诊部是医院建筑中使用人员最为集中、频率也最高的场所。